Browsing: Resources

Free Webinar -CLOSED- Wednesday, December 13, 2017 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM ET Individuals with invisible conditions, such as chronic…

As The New York Times reports that health insurers contribute to the nation’s drug overdose epidemic by denying coverage of less-risky opioids and addiction treatments, a national alliance is encouraging trial attorneys to help consumers challenge illegal health insurance practices.

Employers are increasingly recognizing the need to develop more cost-effective ways to provide prescription drug benefits to employees. One Fortune…

Aimed Alliance’s Executive Director was quoted in the Idaho Statesman’s article detailing how the health insurance industry’s “fail first”, or…

Because consumers can potentially pay more for their medications with insurance coverage than if they lacked coverage altogether, additional steps…

Aimed Alliance’s Executive Director, Stacey L. Worthy, was quoted in CBS News on a recent survey by the Doctor-Patient Rights…

Newsweek published an op-ed by Aimed Alliance’s Executive Director, Stacey L. Worthy in which she discusses how insurance companies interfere…