Aimed Alliance Submits a Comment to the FDA Regarding the Regulation of Hemp-Derived CBD Products
In response to consumer confusion and certain health and safety risks involving food and supplement…
In response to consumer confusion and certain health and safety risks involving food and supplement…
The Heartland Institute’s Sarah Lee speaks with Aimed Alliance counsel Stacey L. Worthy about the…
Drawing on the findings of a physician survey released by Aimed Alliance in October, the…
Let MI Doctors Decide conducted a study on Michigan’s top 25 health insurance plans, and…
MIGRAINE BRIEFING EXPLORES WORKPLACE ACCOMMODATIONS In a panel discussion hosted by Research!America on October 3…
Today I speak with Stacey L. Worthy, Esq, a partner over at DCBA Law & Policy. She’s a former executive director of the Alliance for the Adoption of Innovations in Medicine (Aimed Alliance) that aimed, among other things, to curtail non–evidence-based medication switching and insurance processes designed to make it difficult for patients to get coverage for medications/treatments that are clinically appropriate.
Aimed Alliance’s new journal article “Now or Never: The Urgent Need for Action Against Unfair…
Aimed Alliance’s Executive Director, Stacey Worthy, will be speaking at the Patients Rising panel “Spotlight…