Statement on Politico’s Dismissal of Report


Washington, DC — November 19, 2015 —  The Board of Directors of the Alliance for the Adoption of Innovations in Medicine (Aimed Alliance) today issued the following statement:

Today, Politico Pulse mischaracterized a new Aimed Alliance report entitled “The True Drivers of Health Costs in the U.S.”  Reporter Brett Norman dismissed the analytical strength and credibility of the report, forgoing a timely opportunity to help inform the national discussion regarding sources of and solutions to increasing consumer health care costs.

Aimed Alliance works to improve health care in the United States by supporting consumer access to cost-saving, evidence-based innovations. Transparency is a core value of Aimed Alliance and an essential component of solutions to improve consumer access to high-quality health care. Aimed Alliance seeks and accepts funding from foundations, industries, and individuals who support its mission and policy principles, which are developed independently without grantor input. Aimed Alliance produced “The True Drivers of Health Costs in the U.S.” with funding and in-kind contributions exclusively from non-industry donors.

Policy responses to the rising costs of health care for consumers must comprehensively address the roles of health care insurers, pharmacy benefit managers, hospitals, and consumers themselves — in addition to drug companies. “The True Drivers of Health Costs in the U.S.,” the first of a three-part series of reports, cites over 40 factual sources bolstering its argument in favor of enforcement against the unfair practices of drug makers and insurers.

Aimed Alliance’s policy recommendations reflect the perspectives of American consumers. For instance, Americans named “the cost of and access to health care as the most urgent health problems facing the U.S.,” and health insurance satisfaction has hit a 10-year low. Similarly, only 2 out of 100 U.S. senators and 9 out of 435 U.S. representatives have co-sponsored the Prescription Drug Affordability Act of 2015, which would impose price controls on the pharmaceutical industry but not on other industries responsible for rising health care costs.

Objective, thorough, and accurate news reporting is vital to deliberative efforts at the federal and state levels to improve health care in the United States. Aimed Alliance has asked Mr. Norman and his editor at Politico to correct their characterization of its report.

Last Updated on April 29, 2020 by Aimed Alliance


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