Rep. Collins Targets Pharmacy Benefit Managers for Lack of Transparency


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIn a recent op-ed, Representative Doug Collins (R-Ga.) discusses the roll of pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) in the health care cost discussion. He notes that PBMs often talk about making health care affordable, but fail to equally prioritize patient access to treatment. Unlike pharmacists, PBMs typically have no relationship with patients, and they often pocket most of the manufacturer payments, including rebates, discounts, and other fees, rather than passing the savings on to the patients. They have been known to switch stable patients to different medications and manipulate generic pricing. Therefore, Representative Collins calls for PBM transparency requirements. Such regulations would allow community pharmacies across the country have up-to-date pricing information so they know their reimbursement rate reflects current market prices. Click here to read Rep. Collins’ full blog post.

Last Updated on May 8, 2020 by Aimed Alliance


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