Patients Win Big During New York’s 2023 Legislative Session


The New York Assembly and Senate have officially adjourned until 2024, and Aimed Alliance is thrilled to share that several patient protection bills were passed during this 2023 Session!

(1) Transparency & Patient Notification
The New York Step Therapy Alliance, led by Aimed Alliance, advocated for the passage of S.2677/A.463, a bill that will require plans to establish a written procedure to provide notice of an adverse step therapy determination. The notification must include (a) the reason for the determination; (b) instructions on how to file an appeal; and (c) information on alternative covered medications, applicable clinical review criteria, and other necessary information.

(2) Step Therapy GuardrailsĀ 
The New York Senate also passed a bill that would create new guardrails on step-therapy protocols, such as prohibiting patients from trying and failing on more than one medication and requiring health plans to uphold a step-therapy override for 12 months (S.1267). While the New York Assembly has not yet passed the companion bill, it has until the end of the 2024 session to do so.

(3) Biomarker Testing CoverageĀ 
The NY Legislature passed a bill that requires health plans and Medicaid to cover biomarker testing for diagnosis, treatment, appropriate management, or ongoing monitoring of a covered person’s disease or condition when the test is supported by medical and scientific evidence (S.1196/A.1673). Read ASC CAN’s press release here


Last Updated on June 26, 2023 by Aimed Alliance


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