Number of Consumers Newly Enrolled Through Covered California Jumps 41 Percent


On February 18, 2020, California officials reported that enrollment in Covered California increased by 1.6 percent during the recent open enrollment period. Much of this enrollment increase is attributed to a 41 percent increase in new enrollees over previous years. Overall enrollment in Covered California is likely caused by the state-level coverage mandate that California legislators enacted last year, as well as new subsidies provided to California residents earning up to 400 percent of the federal poverty level, which helps them afford health coverage. However, the Executive Director of Covered California voiced his concern about Californians not being aware of the coverage mandate or the new subsidies. Because of this, Covered California has created two special enrollment periods for consumers who were unaware of the coverage mandate and consumers who enrolled in a health plan outside of Covered California, but who would be eligible for subsidies if they switch to a plan offered through Covered California. These special enrollment periods will remain open for California consumers through April 30, 2020.

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Last Updated on May 18, 2020 by Aimed Alliance


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