We recently learned of board-certified registered nurses and physician assistants practicing in the rural Midwest who have been unable to…
We recently learned of board-certified registered nurses and physician assistants practicing in the rural Midwest who have been unable to…
In Oct. 2018, we published the outcomes of a survey of health care practitioners designed to gauge their perceptions of…
In Oct. 2018, we published the outcomes of a survey of health care practitioners designed to gauge their perceptions of…
Drawing on the findings of a physician survey released by Aimed Alliance in October, the organization’s Director of Medical Affairs,…
Let MI Doctors Decide conducted a study on Michigan’s top 25 health insurance plans, and none of them received a…
Many Doctors Looking to Leave the Profession. Nine in ten primary care physicians (92 percent) say staff employed by insurance companies are not competent to make medical decisions about treatment regimens, according to a new physician survey released today by the nonpartisan, nonprofit Alliance for the Adoption of Innovations in Medicine (Aimed Alliance).
Exceptions and Appeals – How to help your patients access their diabetes treatment. Read here.