Aimed Alliance Op-Ed Featured on FOX News: “Drug Prices Should Benefit Patients, Not Industry”


Aimed Alliance’s op-ed Drug Prices Should Benefit Patients, Not Industry was published by FOX News today. The piece focuses on legislation introduced by Democratic presidential candidate and U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) that would impose federal cost controls and allow drug importation from Canada as ways to bring down prescription drug prices. The legislation would threaten crucial investments in research and development that have yielded cures for diseases that were once incurable, such as hepatitis C. The bill also lacks quality controls to ensure imported drugs are safe and effective. The op-ed also points out that Sanders’ bill fails to address rising insurance premiums and the massive profits that insurers continue to reap through discriminatory utilization management practices, such as ‘fail first’ policies and high co-insurance rates on specialty medications. Aimed Alliance calls on all presidential candidates and policy makers across all levels of government to require third-party payers to provide greater transparency in health care and stop discriminatory utilization management practices that harm access to vital treatments. Read our op-ed on FOX News here.

Last Updated on May 7, 2020 by Aimed Alliance


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