Supreme Court Grants Certiorari in Texas v. Azar


On March 2, 2020, the Supreme Court of the United States granted certiorari in Texas v. Azar, agreeing to hear the case but declining to specify when the case will be heard. If the Court proceeds normally, the case will likely be heard in the Fall and a decision can be expected in mid-2021. The timing of the Court’s decision will likely avoid unsettling the health care system in the middle of an election year. In addition to granting certiorari, the Court allotted one hour for oral arguments and consolidated the cases involved in the lawsuit. Moving forward, the consolidated lawsuit is titled Texas, et al. v. California, et al.

The Court’s grant of certiorari follows the request of Democratic states and the House of Representatives for the Court to grant expedited review of the case and the Court’s subsequent denial of that request in January. The Trump Administration asked the Court not to review the case until the District Court for the Northern District of Texas re-hears the case on remand. Now that the Supreme Court has granted certiorari, the District Court will not have an opportunity to re-hear the case.

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Last Updated on May 18, 2020 by Aimed Alliance


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