Thursday, November 15, 2018
6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Mountain Shadows Resort, Valley Room
544 East Lincoln Drive
Scottsdale, AZ 85253
Migraine disorders can take a toll on individuals’ wellbeing and productivity if they do not receive adequate treatment. Employers can take steps to alleviate these conditions and improve the health of employees. As a follow up to Aimed Alliance’s first Spotlight on Migraine event, patient advocates will have the opportunity to learn about federal and state laws, legislation, and policy that impact individuals with migraine and an economic discussion of migraine in the workplace. The meeting will conclude with a roundtable discussion between patient advocates, human resource professionals, and benefit managers.
Hosted by Aimed Alliance, the workshop event will include the following content:
- An update on federal and state legislation, regulations, and laws impacting individuals with migraine in the workplace
- The patient and provider perspective
- An economic analysis outlining the benefits of providing comprehensive health coverage
- A roundtable discussion between employers, human resources professionals, patients, patient advocates, and providers on improving coverage and care for migraine disorders
- Dawn C. Buse, Ph. D., Clinical Professor, Department of Neurology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University
- Paula Dumas, Founder and CEO, Migraine Again
- Ann Herbst, VP, Instisutional Advancement, Young People in Recovery
- Thomas Parry, Ph.D., Integrated Benefits Institute
- Stacey Worthy, JD, Aimed Alliance
Dinner to be included.
RSVP by Friday, November 2, 2018 to Meredith Shelton at [email protected]
View Workshop Agenda
Last Updated on May 3, 2019 by Aimed Alliance