Aimed Op-Ed Featured in The Hill: “Time To Promote Fairness and Transparency in Health Care”


Aimed Alliance’s op-ed Time to promote fairness and transparency in healthcare was published today in The Hill. In light of the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling in King v. Burwell, the piece calls on law makers to move beyond the debates of the past now that the Affordable Care Act is the law of the land and work to make health care fairer and more transparent for all Americans. Despite the progress that has been made, insurers continue to use discriminatory practices, such as fail-first policies, over-burdensome prior authorizations, specialty tiers, a lack of price transparency, and other blanket restrictions on treatment to prevent patients from accessing the care they need and deserve. These tactics can have truly detrimental effects on patients’ health and well-being. Aimed Alliance calls on law makers to address these discriminatory practices so that the Affordable Care Act can truly protect patients and provide them with access to quality, affordable health care. To read our op-ed in The Hill, please click here.

Last Updated on May 7, 2020 by Aimed Alliance


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