Aimed Alliance Supports Increased Access to Biomarker Testing in Connecticut


Aimed Alliance submitted a letter of support for Connecticut House Bill 06771, which seeks to ensure health plans cover biomarker testing for disease diagnosis, treatment, and management. Aimed Alliance supports expanding access to biomarker testing as this can advance medical diagnostics and personalized treatment, ensuring patients receive the most effective care and providers have the information necessary to make appropriate treatment decisions.

Aimed Alliance’s letter commended Connecticut’s efforts to increase coverage of biomarker testing, and recommend that the legislation require insurers to provide coverage in a way that minimizes disruptions in patient care. This includes ensuring that patients and prescribing practitioners have access to a clear, readily accessible, and convenient process for requesting exceptions to coverage policies or appealing adverse utilization review decisions. The letter also urged that if prior authorization is required, insurers should also be mandated to respond within a specified timeframe. Read the letter here.


Last Updated on February 28, 2025 by Aimed Alliance


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