Aimed Alliance Urges Illinois to Implement Alternative Legislative Reforms to PDABs


On September 3, 2024, Aimed Alliance sent letters to Illinois Senate Majority Leader Kimberly Lightford and House Majority Robyn Gabel, urging them to consider alternatives to creating a prescription drug affordability board (PDAB) in Illinois. The letters emphasizes the need for solutions that directly improve consumer access and affordability.

The letters express concerns that PDABs are experimental, do not guarantee savings for consumers, and could result in reduced access and increased healthcare costs due to implementation of utilization management tactics. Aimed Alliance further suggests alternatives to PDABs, like regulating PBM practices to ensure greater transparency in their practices. However, if the Illinois General Assembly leaders proceed with PDAB legislation in 2025, Aimed Alliance urged the importance of ensuring consumer representation on the board, maintaining continuous stakeholder engagement, requiring that savings from pricing caps directly benefit consumers, and prohibiting the use of QALYs in cost reviews. Read the letters to the Senate Majority Leader Lightford and the House Majority Leader Gabel

Last Updated on October 14, 2024 by Aimed Alliance


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